Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rainy Day Ramblings

It is raining and icky outside. Luckily, it is still all warm and cozy inside, especially with a tiny kitten purring next to me. I am not brave when it comes to this sort of weather, but Andrew was not deterred by the ickiness from his invitation to test-drive the car he's been waiting for that finally came in. At least, I think that's what he is doing ... to be honest, I have a bit of trouble keeping up with his car discussions. I find it much easier to be interested in the biochemistry he shares with me. At least it seems to matter.

We have gotten quite comfortable over the last month or so in our house. There are habits emerging that already feel well-worn. This is especially interesting in combination with the fact that I miss a bunch of different people who are currently in very different places, and being separated from my Chicago friends still feels like a fresh situation. This house is infused with a mixture of timelessness and vastness that makes it feel so separate from ... mostly everything. I have a hunch that this is just a Liz quirk, as Husband has always proven himself capable of the rational thought I shy away from. This is good because he reminds me that there are, in fact, good reasons to leave the House of Happiness and interact with the world outside of these walls. And maybe one day, when he's a bit more tired and ready to relax than he is at this early stage of our life together, I'll convince him that he should just stay home with me on a rainy day and appreciate the fact that we don't have to venture out into it.

All of my inclinations toward staying at home where everything's wonderful (inclinations that will make my mother "tsk, tsk!" when she reads this) just seem to be validated by the new technology that seeps further into the American lifestyle every millisecond. For example, Mom, did you know that on my iPhone I now have a program called Stanza? It's a book-reading sort of program, and it gives the reader access to an enormous cache of FREE BOOKS THAT YOU DOWNLOAD RIGHT TO YOUR iPHONE. I've read a Vonnegut short story, some tales of the grotesque by Poe, and am partway through The Picture of Dorian Gray. It's wonderful! And to make you happy, Mom, I'll even download some Hemingway. Now I have no reason to put off reading The Old Man and the Sea. I can have it right in my phone!

("The man tries to catch the feesh ...")

Anyhow, I have been working on posting the wedding pictures and am just about finished. I know, it took a very long time, but they're here now, so quit your whining! Check them out: Two Nerds Become One.

In the meantime, I'll be back to write more soon. Bear with me as I try to get this all together ...